The Adventures In God’s Presence Series was a compilation of various local San Diego worship leaders. Produced by Tim Coffman and released by Rolltop Records. Songlist: To Him Who Sits Upon The Throne, Enter In (co-write with Tim Coffman) and More Of You. Holland Davis also performs on Halleluia (co-write by Tim Coffman and Rob Wojtach)
This is the first time a national publication featured a song written by Holland Davis. Songlist: I Surrender
Adventures In God’s Presence
The Adventures In God’s Presence Series was a compilation of various local San Diego worship leaders. Produced by Tim Coffman and released by Rolltop Records. Songlist: I Surrender, Mighty Fortress and Worthy Is The Lamb. Holland Davis also performs on Jesus You’re The King written by Tim Coffman
Madison Joy Davis
Madison Joy Davis has always been in a league all her own. One of the most creative young ladies I know and my favorite daughter.
Touching The Father’s Heart: I Bow Down
Warrior King was recorded by Danny Daniels and Violet Burning on Touching the Father’s Heart #11 entitled I Bow Down. Songlist: Warrior King