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Chase Michael Davis

Life in HD Timeline

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Chase Michael Davis was the easiest baby in the world. He’s a first class act, my band mate and first call drummer.

Chuck & Iva Eason

My first official role as worship leader was at Calvary Chapel Vista. I was only 16 at the time. I worked for Loaves and Fishes bookstore owned by Chuck and Iva Eason. They found out I played guitar, invited me to their bible study. A month later they announced they were starting a church and that I was the worship leader. The rest is history.

This Is Where It Begins

Sometime in the fall of 1973, I had a divine encounter with Jesus where I heard an audible voice say Holland I love you. I was at a Young Life meeting and the leader was simply reading John 3. When he read John 3:16, that’s when I heard the audible voice of Jesus. I told Jesus on my way home, if He loves me so much I will follow You all the days of my life. The rest is HIS story.