The Adventures In God’s Presence Series was a compilation of various local San Diego worship leaders. Produced by Tim Coffman and released by Rolltop Records. Songlist: More Than Anything (co-write with Tim Coffman)
ArchivesRolltop Years
1996 Free Methodist Worship Conference
Holland Davis served with a committee formed by Southern Cailfornia Free Methodist Worship Leaders and Pastors to host the very first Southern California Free Methodist Modern Worship Conference. Keynote speaker: Jack Hayford. Holland also taught several workshops.
Workshops: Managing Change And Renewal, Youth Worship,
Adventures In God’s Presence Volume 4
The Adventures In God’s Presence Series was a compilation of various local San Diego worship leaders. Produced by Tim Coffman and released by Rolltop Records. Songlist: Breathe On Me, We Need Your Love, Forever Love You and We Exalt Your Name.
Adventures In God’s Presence Volume 3
The Adventures In God’s Presence Series was a compilation of various local San Diego worship leaders. Produced by Tim Coffman and released by Rolltop Records. To date this is the best selling project in the Adventure’s In God’s Presence Series. Songlist: Holy One, I Will Dwell, Glory To God In The Highest, I Want To Know You and Lord, I Love You.
Adventures In God’s Presence Volume 2
The Adventures In God’s Presence Series was a compilation of various local San Diego worship leaders. Produced by Tim Coffman and released by Rolltop Records. Songlist: To Him Who Sits Upon The Throne, Enter In (co-write with Tim Coffman) and More Of You. Holland Davis also performs on Halleluia (co-write by Tim Coffman and Rob Wojtach)