Grace For Today

How strong are you and how much can you actually get done in a day? Usually when we’re faced with difficult or challenging circumstances, we will quote to ourselves I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. It’s one of those reserved verses that we keep for the hard times. But Paul wasn’t talking about a difficulty when he penned these words. He was talking about the reality that his ability to do anything was by the strength provided by Jesus Christ. Here’s what I’ve learned. If I believe that I can do some things in my power, then I will. If I believe that I’ve done a few things in my power, then I’ll take credit for them. I’ll even display a little false humility. Hey… some get 5 talents and some 10… I just happen to be one with 10… I can’t help it if I’m twice as amazing as you! Real spiritual maturity is when you realize that everything… difficult and easy… is accomplished by the strength Jesus provides. The seasoned saint knows that they can do NOTHING apart from Jesus. Today, why don’t you surrender your ego, your pride, your sense of accomplishment to Jesus and simply walk in the freedom of knowing that Jesus is working in and through you and that He will give you the strength to accomplish everything that is in your day.

Roxie and I love you!!!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13 NKJV

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