Grace For Today

For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
Colossians 1:16 NKJV

One of the subtle messages that is being preached from pulpits and heralded at leadership seminars is the message of identity. Be all that you can be. Be the best you, you can be. The problem is none of us know what that means. So we spend our lives looking for an idea that doesn’t exist and live in disappointment over the life choices we’ve made. If only I have said yes to this opportunity or if only I had the courage to take that risk. It creates internal tension and anxiety. It robs us of gratitude for what we have. Jesus puts an end to all that misery by telling us who we are and why we are here… we are loved by Him and created for Him. Our purpose and identity is found in Jesus alone. That means I am to live my life in moment by moment obedience to the inner promptings of the Holy Spirit. When I say yes to Jesus, He leads me into those activities that bring meaning and purpose into my life. When I say yes to Jesus, He gives me the desires of my heart. When I say yes to Jesus, I experience His love and favor in my life in unparalleled ways. Pastor Chuck Smith called it being naturally supernatural. Resting in the reality that everything that happens in my life is being orchestrated by God and I can’t mess it up because He loves me and His love is greater than what I perceive to be missed opportunities, mistakes and personal struggles. Give up the internal battle to be someone or something. Rest in who you already are… much loved by God!

Roxie and I love you!

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