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Sunday May 28, 2023

Do you ever become anxious when you watch the news? You hear about corrupt politicians, the nation’s economic problems, or even a crazy weather event that’s bound to be catastrophic. The worst part though is that no one seems to be able to agree on how to fix any of it. It can be easy to look to men in power to fix things, but the truth is that man is weak and will always fail. In today’s message, Pastor Holland will teach you that true hope amidst the constant turmoil of today can only be found in God’s power and authority.

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Sunday May 21, 2023

Do you feel like you’re where God wants you to be? Have you followed his plan for your life, or do you know deep down that you’ve decided to follow your own plans instead? Choosing God’s route isn’t always the easiest or most obvious choice. It requires that you give up living for the things of this world and have faith that God’s rewards are better. In today’s message, Pastor Holland will teach you that when you choose to follow God’s plan for your life he will take care of you every step of the way.

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Sunday May 14, 2023

Do you believe that prayer matters? What I mean by that is, do you believe that prayer can change the reality that you live in? Do you believe that it can result in physical healing or turn the tables of spiritual warfare? A lot of Christians would answer yes, but they hardly pray. Is that you today? Well, if it is, then this message is for you and will change the way that you view prayer. In today’s message, Pastor Holland will teach you about the power that you have access to through worship, petition, and intercession.

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Sunday May 7, 2023

How often do you ask God for things? I mean genuinely ask for something like a kid would ask his parents. Unashamedly. Without reservation. The way that you answered that question reveals a lot about how you see God. Do you see him as a loving father who wants to give good gifts to his children? Well, That’s whom the Bible says that he is. In today’s message, Pastor Holland will teach you that God wants you to ask him for the desires of your heart and that you cannot receive what you have not asked for.

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Sunday April 30, 2023

What do you do when things become difficult? Everyone has a different natural response, and unfortunately, most of them are not healthy. For example, a lot of people rely on comfort food, or even alcohol for relief when things get tough. It can be hard to find solace, but there is good news for those who believe in Jesus. God renews us when we pray to him and ask for strength. In today’s message, Pastor Holland will teach you about the powerful way that God can renew you through prayer and praise.

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