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Sunday April 23, 2023

Can you think of a time when you were preparing for guests to come over? Do you remember what that excitement felt like as you were rushing to get things ready before they knocked on the door? If you were that excited about dinner guests, imagine how exciting it must be in heaven as Jesus’s return gets closer. Each day is one day closer to when Jesus returns, only it won’t be as subtle as a knock. In today’s message, Pastor Holland will explore many long-awaited prophecies that are being filled today.

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Sunday April 16, 2023

Wow, how amazing is that?! He wasn’t kidding when he said that he would stamp his name on Jerusalem. The Bible is full of these kinds of prophecies, some that have been fulfilled, and some that haven’t. For a long time, the biggest prophecy to be fulfilled was the coming of the Messiah. That was fulfilled in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Now, the next big event is when he comes back to destroy darkness! In today’s message, Pastor Holland will show you that Jesus’s return could really be, just around the corner.

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Sunday April 9, 2023

How often do you think about the book of Revelations? That’s the one with the crazy stuff, like the sky being ripped open, the antichrist, and Armageddon. It’s easy to pretend like it couldn’t possibly happen in your lifetime, but If that’s what you think, then you should think again. An important indicator that we are close to the rapture is the birth of a Red Heifer, which just happened for the FIRST TIME in 2000 years. In today’s message, Pastor Holland will show you that Jesus’s return might be closer than you’d thought.

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Sunday April 2, 2023

Have you ever doubted God’s goodness? Well, the Israelites sure did as they were wandering the wilderness. For 40 years, God continued to provide food, water, and shelter in miraculous ways for them. You’d think that they wouldn’t have had any doubt after the miraculous things they’d seen. Well, they did doubt, and God’s reaction wasn’t anger, it was love and patience. In today’s message, Pastor Holland will show you that if God was able to destroy the Israelite’s doubt that he can destroy yours too.

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Sunday March 29, 2023

Can you imagine what it must have been like to wander the wilderness for 40 years? The Israelites began to doubt God and the promise that he’d made them. Many times, they stopped abiding by the love of God and tried to take matters into their own hands. Instead of becoming impatient, God chose to repeatedly show them who he was and that he loved them. In today’s message, Pastor Holland will teach you that God is full of grace, ready to meet you in your doubt and remind you of his goodness.

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