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Sunday December 11, 2022

When you were a child, do remember how you felt when you heard your name being called? There were probably times when the first thing that came to mind was, “uh-oh… I’m trouble now.” It probably made you wary to find out, what you were being called for. In today’s Message, Pastor Holland reminds us of the goodness of God, How He’s not looking to punish us but to forgive us. Of course, we all deserve the wrath of God, but in His love for us, He gives us mercy, and in His grace, He blesses us.

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Saturday December 4, 2022

In the Bible, the church is referred to as “the bride of Christ.” There are a lot of different things that a bride, can bring to mind.

Like youth, beauty, love, and honor, just to name a few. In today’s message, Pastor Holland teaches us about the benefits, and blessings, that we have in Christ, being His bride. Christ loves us so much, that He gave His life for us. He cherishes His bride so much that He was willing to go to the cross in our place. So that we could be with Him for all of eternity. So that we could be His.

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Sunday December 4, 2022

In the Bible, the church is referred to as “the bride of Christ.” There are a lot of different things that a bride, can bring to mind.

Like youth, beauty, love, and honor, just to name a few. In today’s message, Pastor Holland teaches us about the benefits, and blessings, that we have in Christ, being His bride. Christ loves us so much, that He gave His life for us. He cherishes His bride so much that He was willing to go to the cross in our place. So that we could be with Him for all of eternity. So that we could be His.

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Sunday December 4, 2022

In the Bible, the church is referred to as “the bride of Christ.” There are a lot of different things that a bride, can bring to mind.

Like youth, beauty, love, and honor, just to name a few. In today’s message, Pastor Holland teaches us about the benefits, and blessings, that we have in Christ, being His bride. Christ loves us so much, that He gave His life for us. He cherishes His bride so much that He was willing to go to the cross in our place. So that we could be with Him for all of eternity. So that we could be His.

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Sunday November 27, 2022

Sometimes people are afraid of commitment. “Sure, it’s okay to be involved in different things, but only on the condition, that you can opt out, out at any time.” Maybe it’s for fear of losing autonomy or freedom.  “If I commit to this… then there goes my independence.” In today’s Message, Pastor Holland teaches us, that when we commit ourselves to God when we surrender to Him, we aren’t losing ourselves, but gaining Him. Our lives were lost, but Jesus bought and paid for us with His blood so that we could be redeemed.

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